Let’s be real: College can be kind of a gross place sometimes. Between sharing desks and walking past dozens of people from class to class, it’s no wonder germs can spread faster than you can say ACHOO.
No one wants to get sick. So what can you do to stay well and prevent a case of the college cold? Try these five practical tips:
Get Sleep
I mean, duh. It sounds simple, right? Surprisingly, it takes a bit of time and effort to get this one right. Start by setting a bedtime and sticking to it. Yes, even on weekends! It will help your body get into a rhythm so that you can fall asleep easier. Aim to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep at night. Staying well rested will boost your immune system and help you fight off illnesses.
Increase Your Fluid Intake
This prevents a dry nose and throat, loosens mucus and helps your body circulate blood better to fight viruses. Aim to drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day. Stick to clear fluids as much as possible. Hot teas and chicken noodle soup are also great options.
Get Vaccinated
Getting a flu shot every season is a quick and easy way to protect yourself. Even if you’re a person who doesn’t get sick often or hates needles, it’s still worth getting vaccinated so you can prevent the spread of flu on campus, which is especially important for your fellow Huskers who have lower immune systems. Plus, flu shots are free for students at the University Health Center — can’t beat that!
Stop the Spread
Don’t let your germs fly free. Wash your hands often with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds (Pro tip: Hum the happy birthday song twice while you scrub). Always cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve. Remember to stay home if you are sick, but be sure to inform your professors if you need to miss class.
Practice Self Care
If you happen to catch that pesky winter bug, take care of yourself. Keep basic over-the-counter medications handy and take them as directed. If you’re running low on supplies, stop by the University Health Center pharmacy for free 24 hour doses of ibuprofen and acetaminophen and other products at an affordable rate.
If you get sick, the University Health Center is here for you. Call 402.472.5000 to talk to a nurse or make an appointment.
To learn more about cold and flu care, visit https://health.unl.edu/cold-and-flu.
More details at: https://health.unl.edu