Home for the holidays: How to navigate living with your family again

Enjoy the holidays with your family while showing them how you've grown at school.
Enjoy the holidays with your family while showing them how you've grown at school.

“Stop treating me like a child, I’m not six anymore,” is the thought that may pop into your head shortly after returning home for the holidays. This is completely understandable– you’ve been reveling in the freedom of unsupervised living while at college, and now you’re back home, where your parents start treating you like the person you were while living under their roof.

While there are many directions your time at home can take, it's pretty certain that you want to avoid clashing with your parents over chores and curfews.

Remember, coming home for the holidays is about reconnecting and readjusting. Here are some tips to help the process go smoothly:

  1. Adjust your expectations. Understand that your parents need to change how they see and treat you.

  2. Be proactive about sharing how you have grown. Engage them in conversations about how much you have learned.

  3. Talk to your parents about expectations of roles, time spent together, and any "house rules” they want to establish.

  4. Stay calm if they press your buttons.

  5. Look for things to enjoy with your family. This could be having meals together, doing your special holiday traditions and planning time to connect and spend time together.

  6. Set aside your own time for self-care and independent activities.

  7. Be patient with your relatives, and remember that it takes time to reconnect.

Enjoy your holidays and remember that Counseling and Psychological Services is always there for you.