Undergraduate students participate in a discussion in a Sociology class at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. [Craig Chandler | University Communication]
Before 3 p.m. today, enter for your chance to win a finals snack pack to get you through the early morning, late night, and all day study sessions. Follow @unlstudentlife on Instagram for all the details.
Between Dec. 5–15 both the Adele Hall Learning Commons and Dinsdale Family Learning Commons will be open 24 hours for the final two weeks of the semester with space for students to study. The Dunkin locations in each facility will have extended hours too.
Experience the sights and sounds of The Pride of All Nebraska as they perform all seven of their halftime shows from the 2022 season, as well as their Pregame Spectacular, and more at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Here are the ticket info and further details. Continue reading…
Check out a few of the newer study spots on campus in recently renovated locations, including "The Living Room" in Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall, Architecture Hall Library, and the Global Education Center in Louise Pound Hall.
Adding in fun study breaks will let you relax, keep you focused and help you stay alert. Here are some exciting ways to give yourself a much-deserved mental break, including making gingerbread houses, a game night and free ice cream. Continue reading…
In this issue: Association of Students of the University of Nebraska // United States Institute of Theatre Technology // Criminal Justice Student Association // Take Note // Pitch Please // Ballroom Dance Club // Continue reading…
THANK YOU to the more 2,500 Huskers who gave this weekly listing a glance to find something fun each weekend. Before you pack up and check out, get involved in one more of these FREE events happening on Dec. 9, 10 & 11.
P.S. an-early-Spring event list is in the link too.
Adjustments can be made anytime until Jan. 30, 2023 in MyRed. Additionally, you can add Dining Dollars to your plan. During the Winter Break, you can use your remaining fall semester meal swipes and Dining Dollars at open locations. Continue reading for all details.
Health center, dining centers, libraries, the unions, recreation centers and campus buses are among the campus locations and services remaining open for students during Final Exams and the Winter Break spanning December and January. Here's a list of all these locations and when each will be open.
Get your holiday shopping done early at the winter art sales organized by students in the University of Nebraska’s School of Art, Art History and Design to sell their work. This year’s winter sales are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 9 and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 10.
The demolition of Piper Hall will impact the University of Nebraska–Lincoln community starting Dec. 12. A construction fence will be installed around Dec. 12 and is expected to block the east-west walking path that extends from 16th and S streets to campus buildings and parking along 17th Street.
The $75 million project, funded by the Nebraska Legislature through LB 384, will revitalize the southwest corner of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s City Campus. The building, home to the Glenn Korff School of Music, will provide new state-of-the-art facilities for current and future students.