With the start of a new year, it's a great time to get involved in ASUN student government! There are over 40 open positions, which are sure to cater to anyone's interests. Applications are available in the ASUN office in the Nebraska Union or online at asun.unl.edu. Applications are due by January 27 at 4 pm or February 18 at 4 pm, depending on the position. If you are interested in student government, or would like more information, don't hesitate to e-mail the Appointments Board at asunappointments@gmail.com.
Applications due by Jan. 27 at 4 pm (with meeting times included):
- Campus Rec (1 Greek, 1 off-campus, 1 RHA member)
- Commencement Committee (1 needed - must be Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): Determined by committee chair
- Committee for Fee Allocation (1 Graduate Student, 2 at-large): Meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 - 9:30 pm
- Diversity Strategic Development Committee ( 1 Freshman-Junior or Grad Student): Meet once a week, for approx. 1 hour
- Government Liaison Committee (1 needed)
- Grading & Examinations Committee (1 Graduate Student): Determined by committee chair
- Non-Traditional Student Representative (1 Student): Meet once a week, for approx. 1 hour
- Parking Appeals (7 - can be undergrad or grad): Once a month on a Tuesday at 4:30 pm
- Publications Board (1 needed)
- Senate (1 CEHS Student, 1 Graduate Student, 1 Architecture Student, 1 Public Affairs & Community Service Student): Meet Wednesdays at 6:30 pm - ?, 1 hour committee meeting a week
- The Shirt Committee (3 students not on senate, 2 senators - can be undergrad or grad): Bi-weekly, for an hour
- Teaching Council (1 Graduate Student): Determined by committee chair
- University Judicial & Appeals Board (7 - can be undergrad or grad): Meets an average of 5 times a semester, when the need arises - a doodle will be sent out to determine a good time to meet
Applications due by Feb. 18 at 4 pm:
- Student Court (1 law student, 6 at-large)
- Appointments Board (2 positions)
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/2ax