Look back on an amazing Fall 2023 semester and celebrate Husker student life through these photos captured and curated by Student Affairs. Reminisce as you scroll through moments from Big Red Welcome, Volleyball Day in Nebraska, Homecoming, and everything in between.
Chancellor Rodney Bennett is helping you cross the semester's finish line with free drip coffee from Starbucks Dec 11-15 inside the Nebraska Union and Nebraska East Union. Read on for the available times and details to get your free cup of coffee.
innacle Bank Arena will host a ceremony for students earning graduate and professional degrees Dec. 15 & 16, 2023. [Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing]
UNL's annual MLK Week of Service happens during the spring semester's first five days Jan 22-26, 2024. Commit yourself now to one of the 10 service projects that have been arranged by the university. You and your friends have to only give 2 hours each. Read on for full details and sign up.
Husker Nog and Hazelnut Coffee are the newest additions to the Husker Mocktail Mixology drink series. The easy-to-create non-alcoholic renditions of familiar holiday classics will fit any social event. Watch the How-To Videos and the recipes at the link.
All students desiring to serve in the ASUN Student Government during the 2024-25 academic year can now file their candidacy. Filing deadline is March 7, 2024. The required forms and election rules are publicly available on ASUN website - use the link below.
Click through to @unlstudentlife's Instagram for a glimpse of the holiday light decorations you'll find along the row of fraternity and sorority houses. Take a break from finals this week and check out all the holiday lights around campus for yourself.
Starting December 14, students and individuals making a visit to Housing & Dining staff offices on the 3rd floor in Willa Cather Dining Complex will need make advance plans due to a renovation happening in the space. Keep reading for the details you need to know.
Mindful eating is the practice of aligning with your body's hunger, fullness, and taste satisfaction cues without judgment. Eating mindfully is like a superpower for your food choices.