FRIDAY, OCT 4: Cornstock Festival + Homecoming Parade

Herbie Husker and Spirit Squad member Amani Mfinanga cheer from a tractor-pulled wagon in the 2023 homecoming parade. [Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing]
Herbie Husker and Spirit Squad member Amani Mfinanga cheer from a tractor-pulled wagon in the 2023 homecoming parade. [Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing]
From 5 to 8 p.m. on the eve of the big football game, enjoy food trucks (free for students with NCard), mocktails, hair braiding/tinsel, face painting, tattoo station, tractor hayrack rides, live music and more. At 6 p.m. the parade will make it's way through campus with 59 floats and performers.

More details at: