The Student Impact Awards honor outstanding students in all areas of leadership on campus. Recognized Student Organizations have an opportunity to honor their members, officers and advisers. Any member of an RSO can submit nominations for the following categories:
* Student Organization President of the Year 2011
* Student Organization Treasurer of the Year 2011
* Student Organization Officer of the Year 2011
* Student Organization Member of the Year 2011
* Student Organization Adviser of the Year 2011 (for those serving over 3 years)
* Student Organization New Adviser of the Year 2011 (for those serving 1-3 years)
* Student Organization Program of the Year 2011
Nomination forms are available online and in the Student Involvement office. All nomination forms must be submitted to the Student Involvement office by March 11.
The Student Impact Awards will be presented at a formal banquet from 6 to 8 p.m. April 21 in the Nebraska Union.
For more information, contact Kirk Fellhoelter at Student Involvement (200 NE Union), kfellhoelter@unlnotes.unl.edu, or (402) 472-8157.
Award winners from 2010 were:
Student Organization President of the Year 2010:
Robert Woodward, Selleck Quadrangle Council
Student Organization Treasure of the Year 2010:
Jed Ellis, Students in Free Enterprise
Student Organization Officer of the Year 2010:
Yi Liu, Chinese Student and Scholars Association
Student Organization Member of the Year 2010:
Peter Sam, Students in Free Enterprise
Student Organization New Adviser of the Year 2010: Melissa Peters, Residence Hall Association
Student Organization Adviser of the Year 2010:
Karen Miller, Eating Disorder Education and Prevention
Student Organization Outstanding Program of the Year 2010: Make It Happen - Student Quick Pitch Competition, Students in Free Enterprise
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Daryl Swanson Campus Life Impact Award 2010: Residence Hall Association
Spirit of Service Awards:
Student: Brendon Pond
Staff: Mary Willis and Barbara DiBernard
Student Organization: Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity - Phi Alpha Chapter
Faculty: Christine Timm
Community Partner Award: JoAnne Hranac
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/t46