LGSA’s 3rd Annual Building Bridges: Mano a Mano is taking place Tuesday, November 3 from 4:30pm-6:30pm in Nebraska Union Regency B. Networking will take place among Latina/o undergraduate and graduate students and members will share details about their specific graduate programs with undergraduate students. All interested graduate and undergraduate students are welcome.
LGSA is also offering the LGSA Graduate School Mentorship Program. Mentors are given the opportunity to gain experience in providing one-on-one guidance and support as a graduate student peer mentor, serving as a role model to undergraduate Latina/o students interested in graduate school. To register as a mentor, complete the form at http://go.unl.edu/kjb6 by November 6th.
Interested mentees can register by completing the form at http://go.unl.edu/psjo by November 6th. Mentees will receive one-on-one guidance and information on resources available to them on campus.