Explore beautiful India and earn 3 credits (GLST 491) towards your ACE 9 or an elective. This 3 week program will allow students to learn about early and contemporary India, culture and religion, politics, and economics; acquire valuable professional experience working with local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's); gain knowledge of reading, writing, and speaking beginning Hindi; and most importantly tour forts and palaces in north India, including the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and the Wind Palace.
Apply now at go.unl.edu/6f5m
Program Highlights:
Gain knowledge of reading, writing, and speaking beginning Hindi
Learn about early and contemporary India, culture and religion, politics, and economics
Acquire valuable professional experience working with local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's)
Tour forts and palaces in north India, including the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and the Wind Palace
Course of Study:
This faculty-led study abroad trip will be centered in Jaipur, India and will take place over 3 weeks during UNL’s summer pre-session earning 3 credits of GLST 391. Participants will lodge, study, and visit sites together along with faculty leaders. Students will stay in hotels/hostels or on-campus and travel to various significant locations around the country. In addition to learning about history, politics and culture of India, students will have an opportunity to serve in the community and improve or gain a working knowledge of Hindi.
Course Credit:
Students will earn three credit hours for this program for GLST 491 - Special Topics.
All students must be enrolled at UNL during the application process and complete at least 30 credits by the start of the program. Required qualifications: GPA of 2.5 or higher by the time of departure.
For more information about the eligibility requirements students must meet in order to participate in Education Abroad programs, please review the Eligibility and Conditions of Participation page of the Education Abroad website.
Faculty Leaders:
The class will be co-taught and the program co-led by Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic, Assistant Director and Advisor of Global Studies, and Maricia Guzman, Program Coordinator for the Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services (OASIS). Dr. Emira Ibrahimpašic and Maricia Guzman are educators passionate about the value of international education and dedicated to providing undergraduate students with opportunities to engage both local and global issues. Both are avid travelers who have deep commitments to promoting international education.
Dr. Emira Ibrahimpašic is a trained cultural anthropologist and an Assistant Director for Global Studies and has taught in various departments including Anthropology, Educational Psychology and Global Studies. Her research interests focus on women in Islam, post-socialism, religion and gender, and the intersection of modernity and faith. An avid world traveler, Dr. Ibrahimpašic grew up in Bosnia-Herzegovina, immigrating to the U.S. in the mid-1990s as a refugee during the wars of the dissolution of Yugoslavia. She led her first faculty trip to India in summer 2016, and this will be her fifth faculty led trip having taken students to Europe, Central America, and Canada.
Maricia Guzman is a Program Coordinator for the Office of Academic Success & Intercultural Services. She received her Bachelor of Journalism of Degree from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in 2014 and is currently working on a Masters in Students Affairs from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. She traveled to India for the first time in 2011 with the College of Journalism & Mass Communications as a student-reporter. She created multimedia stories that focused on the stories of women in rural India, particularly the northern villages in the state of Haryana. She was also a Critical Language Scholarship recipient in 2013 for Hindi. She spent that summer living in India and learning how to read, write, and speak Hindi. Currently, she coordinates the Hindi Language and Culture Program which is funded by the CLS program, and aims to expose first generation college students and students-of-color to the Hindi Language and the Indian culture.
Emira Ibrahimpasic, Seaton Hall 314, eibrahimpasic3@unl.edu, (402) 472-2150
Maricia Guzman, OASIS-JGMC Rm 149, mguzman6@unl.edu, (402) 472-5500
More details at: http://unl.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=12660