Take an OLLI “In Our Backyard” trip to Kearney, Neb., and the Rowe Sanctuary to witness one of the largest migrations on the planet. Experience the Sandhill cranes March 23-24, 2020, from viewing blinds along the Platte River. Continue reading…
Ukulele Interest Group
Thu, Oct 24
3 p.m.
Neighbors Church
575 Fallbrook Blvd, Ste 102
OLLI Movies that Matter uses the power of documentary films to educate, inform and create dialogue. In “Out of Many, One” and “American Haze” viewers get a glimpse of the anxieties, sacrifices and gritty realities of immigrants who become U.S. citizens. Talk and discussion to follow films. Continue reading…
Saturday, Dec 21, will be OLLI Day at the Nebraska Repertory Theatre. OLLI members can buy tickets to the Holiday Cabaret at the special ticket price of buy one at the regular price of $19.50 and get the second ticket free. Continue reading…
Novelist Ann Weisgarber will speak at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 24 at the Center for Great Plains Studies on how she wrote her first book, “The Personal History of Rachel DuPree,” a historical novel set in the Great Plains. DuPree is an African-American woman who leaves Chicago with her husband to claim homesteads in the Badlands of South Dakota.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/lecture-to-cover-historical-fiction-in-the-great-plains/
The Nebraska Chamber Players will showcase a "popourri of ensembles" on Friday, Oct. 18 and Sunday, Oct. 20. The Friday evening performance is at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoon performance is at 3 p.m. Concerts are held at the Ron Hull Studio at NET, 1800 N. 33rd. St. Call 402-429-8227 for tickets.
More details at: http://nebraskachamberplayers.org/
UNL's Cochlear Implant Research Lab is conducting a study to learn more about how adults with cochlear implants perform on a cognitive screening test, compared to adults with normal hearing. Continue reading…
Check out OLLI events and other events taking place in Lincoln.
United Nations Day Celebration
Sunday, Oct 20
More details at: https://olli.unl.edu/events-calendar
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