UNL's Cochlear Implant Research Lab is conducting a study to learn more about how adults with cochlear implants perform on a cognitive screening test, compared to adults with normal hearing. Cognitive screening tests measure thinking and memory skills. People with cochlear implants might score lower on this test than people without hearing loss because of the way the test is designed.
Study Participants:
Males and females ages 19 and older who have normal hearing and are native speakers of American English. Adults over the age 55 are especially needed.
Tasks: Complete a hearing screening test and a cognitive screening test
Visits: 1 visit, less than 1 hour
Location: The study will take place in the Cochlear Implant Research Lab located in room 127 of the Barkley Memorial Center, 4075 E Campus Loop, on UNL’s East Campus.
Compensation: $15 for completing the study
To schedule the study, contact the Cochlear Implant Research Lab at: CIRL@UNL.EDU or (402) 472-3950
For additional information about the study, please contact Michelle Hughes, Ph.D., MHughes3@unl.edu