Out to Lunch

Explore Lincoln eateries with your OLLI friends.
Explore Lincoln eateries with your OLLI friends.

The application is in process for a new OLLI interest group called Out to Lunch. We are still forming a core concept for the group. Part of our interest is in exploring eateries in various Lincoln neighborhoods and perhaps outlying villages. We are having the first lunch on Monday, Nov 20, at 11:30 am, at Stauffer's Cafe' & Pie Shop, 5600 S 48th St. Come join us. Bring along a few ideas for eateries that you currently enjoy or would like to try. We will begin to compile a list for future planning and make more decisions about how we want to organize and meet participant's interests.

If you want to attend Monday’s lunch, please reply immediately to Sherry Leeright, duckmom_2000@yahoo.com, 402-304-8445, or to Nancy Whitman, newhitman@neb.rr.com, 402-488-8416. If you have other questions or comments about this interest group, please reply to Stan Riggle, archaeogastropoda @hotmail.com.