If you have recently joined OLLI, the Membership Committee invites you to attend an orientation designed specifically for new members. It will acquaint you with all OLLI has to offer, including courses, events, how the organization works and member discounts with other groups and organizations.
There will be time for beverages and sweet treats, as well as a Q&A and the opportunity to meet other new members. Since it is still winter in Nebraska, just remember that if Lincoln Public Schools and/or the University are canceled or start late, all scheduled OLLI activities are canceled too.
To register, call the OLLI office at 402-472-6265 or go online at https://cehs25.unl.edu/wconnect/ace/quickpick.awp .
Event Number: 18355EV
Day/Date: Tuesday, Feb 13
Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Location: Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET), 1800 N. 33rd St.