“Appropriate,” by Branden Jacob-Jenkins, is the story of the Lafayette clan who have descended upon the crumbling Arkansas homestead to settle the accounts of the newly-dead patriarch. As his three adult children sort through a lifetime of hoarded mementos and junk, they collide over clutter, debt, and a contentious family history. But after a disturbing discovery surfaces among their father's possessions, the reunion takes a turn for the explosive, unleashing a series of crackling surprises.
“Appropriate” will be performed on Sunday, April 8, 2-4:30 p.m., at the Iron Tail Gallery, 643 S. 25th, Suite 7. Free. Open to the public.
Jacobs-Jenkins honors the time-tested recipes of those who have gone before him, combining them into a crafty narrative, but he also brings a culinary self-consciousness to the mix that makes you savor the ingredients anew, while pondering why they have dominated American theater for so long.
“Appropriate” is piercingly clear, with carefully drawn characters who speak in crisp and fluid dialogue. Jacobs-Jenkins enjoys his quarrelsome characters and he has achieved the difficult feat of making them all both unlovable and impossible not to identify with.
Contact Info:
Judy Hart