Whatever your age, grab a bicycle and ride! It’s a fun way to exercise while going easy on the joints, keeps the brain sharp and helps the heart. But before you get back on your bicycle, considering taking the OLLI bicycle safety class.
This OLLI bicycle safety class is geared towards anyone interested in gaining confidence in maneuvering bikes. The class will also cover traffic laws and how to best negotiate your way at trail crossings or on the street. Class time will be spent on your bike doing drills to build your bike handling skills and riding on the trails and streets to improve your confidences as a cyclist.
INSTRUCTOR: Staff, UNL Campus Recreation – Outdoor Adventures
Day/Date: Tue, May 1
Time: 1-5 p.m.
LOCATION: Jane Snyder Trail Center, 228 N 21 St.
COST: $30
Register online: https://cehs25.unl.edu/wconnect/ace/quickpick.awp
Register by phone: 402-472-6265
Please have your credit card handy.