OLLI interest groups bring people together

Reading, biking, lunching, sketching and more
Reading, biking, lunching, sketching and more

What are your special interests? Baseball, politics, biking? Perhaps you have an interest in meditation. OLLI has 15 different interest groups and members are starting new groups all of the time. OLLI interest groups provide an opportunity for members to come together around an area of common interested to the benefit of participants and the broader membership. You don’t need to register and there is no fee.

Proposals for new groups are submitted to the OLLI office and approved by the Membership Committee. If you are interested in starting a new group, download the guidelines and proposal form at: https://olli.unl.edu/committee-resources


Science and Technology
LES Transformations in Electricity
June 12
3-4:30 p.m.
Gere Library
56th & Normal Blvd.

Cards and Dominoes Interest Group
June 13
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Dino's Eastside Grill

Practice Meditation
June 14
1:30-2:30 p.m.
First-Plymouth Church, Calvert Parlor
20th & D Sts.

Get all the details at https://olli.unl.edu/events-calendar