Why not give a gift of learning to a friend of family member? OLLI gift certificates never expire and can be redeemed at any time.
OLLI gift certificates are available in the following increments:
• $30 – The cost of a six-week course.
• $50 – The price of a single mid-year membership (January through July).
• $60 – Our most popular gift amount.
• $100 – The best deal to give a membership and some additional fun money for courses/events.
Your purchase will include a customized gift certificate. The gift certificate can be emailed or mailed either to the recipient or to you.
Purchase options:
• Online at the OLLI website
(Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit cards are accepted)
• Telephone - Call the OLLI office at 402-472-6265
• Drop by the OLLI office: UNL East Campus, Home Economics Building, 1650 N. 35th St.
Purchase online: https://cehs25.unl.edu/ccp/olli/index.php