Drawing the Lines: Determining Nebraska’s Electoral Geography

Redistricing, laws and process
Redistricing, laws and process

Get the inside scoop on redistricting reform. You are invited to a presentation and discussion on Tuesday, Feb 19, 7-9 p.m., at the Lincoln Community Foundation, 15 Centennial Mall South. Hosted by Common Cause Nebraska.

Common Cause national redistricting coordinator, Dan Vicuna, will discuss recent developments in the legislative field, as well as on-going Supreme Court fights.

After his talk, he will be joined by a panel of Nebraskans to dig deeper into the subject, including State Senator Adam Morfeld, Director of the Unicameral's Office of Research Nancy Cyr, and Professor's Kristie Pfabe and Steve Dunbar.

Prepare yourself for the upcoming unicameral discussions on redistricting.