The final documentary films in the “OLLI Movies that Matter” film series affirms the bonds of family, explores Native history and gives a snapshot of contemporary Native American life. Joining as speakers are Shirley Sneve, executive director of Vision Maker Media, and Kevin Abourezk, journalist. Continue reading…
German Language and Culture Interest Group
Wed, March 20
3 p.m
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Special Program-Film Discussion-"Never Look Away"
Open to all
More details at
Politics Interest Group
Thu, March 21
3 p.m.
Stauffer's Cafe
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OLLI members assistance is being requested to help as a science fair judge for the Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences Southeast Regional Science Fair. Volunteer judges are needed on Friday, March 29, 8:30 a.m. to Noon, at Hardin Hall. Continue reading…
The final lecture of this series is on Sunday, March 17, at the Unitarian Church. Bruce Cumings, professor of History at the University of Chicago, is the dean of Korea scholars. He will emphasize how economic and military alliances affect current and future relationships with the Koreas.
The profound impacts of sisters Edith and Grace Abbott on education and social work in the early 1900s will take center stage in the next Nebraska Lecture. The talk, “Grace and Edith Abbott: Nebraska’s Social Justice Sisters,” is on March 28, 3:30 p.m., at the Great Plains Art Museum, 1155 Q St.
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Opioid addiction often begins innocently enough, with a doctor’s prescription for chronic pain. One of the most common culprits is low back pain. UNL biomedical engineer Rebecca Wachs is using an award from the National Science Foundation’s to develop a treatment for low back pain.
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