OLLI/Playhouse “Carol Burnett Classics” brings laughs and giggles

Carol Burnett
Carol Burnett

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Lincoln Community Playhouse present “Carol Burnett Classics.” The show, the 12th production of the OLLI/Playhouse Radio Active Players, is a collection of the best sketches from the Carol Burnett TV variety show. Shows dates are April 4 at 2 p.m., April 5 and 6 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5. Tickets can be purchased online at lincolnplayhouse.com or by calling the box office at 402-489-7529, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The OLLI/Playhouse Radio Active Players will be performing seven of the best of Carol Burnett including “Bonnie and Clod,” “Football Widow,” and “Truck Stop Nudge.” “The Carol Burnett Show” ran for 11 years, garnering 25 prime-time Emmy awards and inclusion on Time magazine’s list of “100 Best TV Shows of All Times.”

The cast includes Carla Fetch, Barb Hetcko, Stephanie Porter, Joan Wittstruck, Steve Enersen, Joyce Hahn, Ned Sharp, Sue Hedrick, Geralyn Warfield, Karen Joyce, Karen Kay, Dawn Daarud, Carol Meyer, David Barnes, Dorene Casey, Margy Ryan, Dennis Klimes, Dennis Frederick, Sue Babovec, Pat Kohl and Scott Stewart. Kim Osmond is directing with Joan Hudson as stage manager.