UCARE info sessions for students begin Oct. 4

Bianca Swift shares her research and creative activity with Dr. Kenneth Price on the development of the Charles Chesnutt Digital Archive at a recent RED Talk.
Bianca Swift shares her research and creative activity with Dr. Kenneth Price on the development of the Charles Chesnutt Digital Archive at a recent RED Talk.

Student information sessions regarding the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience program begin Oct. 4.

The UCARE program allows students to work one-on-one with a faculty mentor to gain research experience and related skills. The program can enhance applications to graduate school and better prepare students for a career.

Participants receive an annual stipend of $2,400. UCARE is open to students in all majors and disciplines.

Upcoming application information sessions introduce students to the UCARE program and provide guidance on finding a project, approaching a prospective mentor, and writing an application proposal. The sessions are for funding in summer 2020 and the 2020-21 academic year.

All sessions cover the same content. Click a date below to register for a session or, for more details, make an appointment via MyPLAN with Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research.

UCARE information sessions are:

More details at: http://ucare.unl.edu