Dear UNL Parents,
Our work in Student Affairs is focused on creating a supportive environment for student learning and achievement.
At times, that work involves highlighting risks that are NOT worth taking.
We are aware that an outside group will be hosting an event at an establishment near our campus this weekend with the intention of promoting highly irresponsible and even dangerous levels of alcohol consumption. This group has a strong financial incentive to exploit college students and to foster an atmosphere that intentionally leads to poor judgment and bad decision-making.
UNL's student leadership - the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska (ASUN) - this week passed a resolution denouncing the presence of this outside group. ASUN also encouraged UNL students to avoid appearing in the group's videos. I strongly support their resolution.
I share this message both to inform you that I have emailed our undergraduate students to urge them to seriously consider the long-term ramifications that appearing in such videos may have on their future opportunities and to invite you to communicate with your student if you think it is appropriate.
The University will work with local authorities in the event that there are violations of our Student Code of Conduct. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Juan N. Franco
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
106 Canfield Administration Building
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0423