Career Resources Available to Students Seeking Part-Time Opportunities

Student interns at Hudl.
Student interns at Hudl.

With summer underway many students have already settled on summer plans, but some have not. While students often look forward to the summer months as a time to relax, this period can be a very useful time to develop professional skills through part-time jobs or internships. It’s also a great time for your student to think ahead about fall opportunities. Consider taking a few minutes to encourage your student that internships or part-time jobs present a great opportunity to gain valuable experience, to explore future career options, and to start career conversations with their family, friends and mentors.

Students can follow these steps to start on a summer or fall job search:

  • Develop or update your resume. Have it reviewed at Career Services, then upload it to Husker Hire Link.
  • Explore possibilities that fit your geographic preference as well as your areas of skill/interest, and that will provide opportunities for professional growth.
  • View job listings and internship postings on Career Services’ website under the Favorites Tab, including Husker Hire Link. Over 9,000 employers are registered on Husker Hire Link, posting around 200 part-time positions in the Lincoln community each month.
  • View the Career Guide to UNL Majors link (also under Favorites) to see where previous students in your major have found internships.
  • Start early, as there will be competition for positions from other college students as well as newly graduated high school students.

Help your students in their job search by referring them to the Career Services office, located in 225 Nebraska Union to meet 1:1 with an advisor. Advisors are available for walk-in sessions or by appointment to work with your student to develop strategies that fit their unique goals.

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