Show Up, Sign Up, & Level Up with Student Involvement


Show Up- Whether to a big event or a small gathering, students should mark it on their calendars, invite a friend, get out and go. Campus events are great places to meet others, learn about something new, and experience the vibrancy of campus.

Even though we are past the Six Weeks of Welcome, there are still plenty of events and activities that students can attend! Students can see what's happening on the Student Involvement calendar at

Sign Up- Students should get involved in things they are passionate or curious about. Student organizations, clubs, and teams are great ways to build community and develop transferable skills for life beyond graduation.

NvolveU is a great place for students to check out what is happening in the world of Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs). From there they can research the diverse array of RSOs available, contact groups they are interested in, and even see the calendar of meetings and events put on by RSOs themselves!

Level Up- Last, students should connect to opportunities for further development! Leadership positions within their organizations expand their mind and views while pushing students to make a positive impact on campus and in their communities.

Other great ways students can #LevelUp include: securing an internship, finding on-campus employment, giving back through volunteering, and participating in events or workshops that might be outside their comfort zone.

That’s it! Three simple steps that can be applied to life on campus and beyond. Show Up, Sign Up, Level Up. Get Involved.

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