Deadline to drop a class is this Friday!

To drop or not to drop?
To drop or not to drop?

When you drop a class, you may end up carrying the consequences, both positive and negative. Wait, there are positive consequences to dropping a course? Relatively speaking, there can be.

The Positives:
If you are in a class in which you know you’re in danger of earning a C- or below, it may make sense to drop the class, so it doesn’t negatively impact your GPA. This is particularly true in the case of ACE 5, 7, 8, or 9 courses; if you remain in the course and earn a C- or below, you may need to repeat the course, whereas if you drop the course, you can take a different ACE later.

Another reason to consider dropping a course, particularly one in which you may earn a C- or below, would be the impact it has on your mental and/or physical health. If the course is causing significant stress that is costing you sleep, taking your appetite, stealing every thought, causing you distress more days than not it may be time to drop the course. If you are currently in such a situation, please reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services, CASNR Cares or your advisor as soon as possible. There may be options for you.

The Negatives:
Before dropping a course, please consider the following:
• Whether doing so will cause you to drop below 12 hrs (full time). If so, this can cause problems with financial aid, scholarships, insurance, or on-campus housing.
• If you are registered with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) and will drop below full time, please contact SSD before dropping your course.
• If you are an International Student and by dropping the course you would fall below full time, could be in violation of your visa requirements. Contact ISSO before dropping your course.
• How dropping the course might affect moving forward in your degree (prerequisites, offered only in Spring semesters, etc.)
• If you have dropped one or more classes in previous semesters, it can affect Satisfactory Academic Progress toward your degree as required by financial aid. Be sure to check with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for further information.
Please be sure to contact your advisor before dropping your course! If your advisor is unavailable for an appointment, be sure send an email regarding dropping your course, and be sure to include a subject line regarding this such as “OK to drop a course?” or “Urgent: Questions about dropping a course!” This helps alert your advisor that your message is time-sensitive! For more information and instructions regarding dropping a course, click here:

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