Summary of Experience: Final Deadline and Updates

Computer Screen with spreadsheet
Computer Screen with spreadsheet

As your Pre-Vet Advisor, one of my roles is to help you to be as competitive as possible when you apply to vet school! Last semester on November 1st I sent out an email via the PVET Advising listserv that asked you to complete a summary of experiences form I attached. A final request and attachment was sent out via the PVET listserv on Friday 1/31/2025. To those of you who filled the form out and returned it to me, THANK YOU. If you've not done so yet, PLEASE fill out and return to me.

This form will help me analyze your experiences so far; it will also help me identify areas in which you may need to grow so you can be the most competitive vet school applicant possible. I will keep the document in your file and discuss it with you when we meet for PVET advising. As well, doing this will help you more than you know: first, it will help you continue to track your hours which you need to do every semester and summer. Second, you will have the information ready to be entered into your VMCAS application.

It's never too soon-or to late-to start, so whether you're a freshman or a senior,PLEASE complete the form and email it back to me at

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!