Department of Psychology

Spring 2018 Newsletter

Rick Bevins, Chair, Department of PsychologyIt is with delight that I present the Spring 2018 edition of the Department of Psychology Newsletter! This past year, the Department underwent its mandatory once-in-seven-years Academic Program Review (APR) to ensure that the Department is fulfilling the University’s goals of excellence. Continue reading…

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One Book One Department

Make Your Home Among Strangers by UNL English professor Jennine Capó CrucetSeveral discussions in the department highlighted the need to increase our sophistication around multicultural issues in our graduate and undergraduate instruction. We wanted to be sure that our graduate students were prepared to address multicultural content and reach students of all backgrounds. Continue reading…

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Psyched Up! Analyzing Psychology Learning Community

By Alexis Lehman, Psychology Department Academic AdvisorAre you familiar with UNL’s Learning Communities? Learning Communities are groups of first-year students who share a common major (or academic interest), live on the same floor of a residence hall, or take classes together. The Psyched Up! Learning Community made its debut four years ago.

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Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder

Abigail Riemer and colleaguesAbigail Riemer with colleagues Michelle Haikalis, Molly Franz, Mike Dodd, David DiLillo, and Sarah Gervais, recently published “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder: An Initial Investigation of the Effects of Alcohol, Attractiveness, Warmth, and Competence on the Objectifying Gaze in Men".

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Originally published April 2, 2018 - Submit an Item