Omicron Delta Kappa was the first college honor society of a national scope to give recognition and honor for meritorious leadership and service in extracurricular activities and to encourage development of general campus citizenship.
Circles around the country recognize diverse undergraduate and graduate leaders who show extraordinary leadership within the Five Phases of Campus Life: (1) Scholarship (2) Athletics (3) Campus or Community Service, Social and Religious Activities, and Campus Government (4) Journalism, Speech and the Mass Media (5) Creative and Performing Arts.
The Circle at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is in the process of rebuilding our chapter in order to better serve the leaders among us and remind students of the benefits of a lifetime membership in ODK.
Membership in our circle is reserved to honor seniors and graduate students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and we are accepting applications for all those who will be seniors or graduate students in the fall of 2012 that have shown exemplary character, responsible leadership and service in campus or community life, superior scholarship, genuine fellowship, and consecration to democratic ideals. Applications can be found in the Vice Chancellor’s office, the Honors Program office and the Student Involvement office and are due to the Vice Chancellor’s office (106 Canfield) by 4:00 PM on Friday March 16th.
Through membership in OΔK, you enter the ranks of over 300,000 women and men whose peers recognize them as scholars and leaders. “ODK is more than an honor, it is a call to action.”