The Nebraska Union and all of campus is abuzz with activity today as New Student Enrollment officially begins. While your RSO may not be on campus, there are a number of ways you can connect with new students and begin your recruitment processes early.
The Class of 2025 has begun signing up for classes. One of the most important messages the new students will receive is just how important it is to get involved and to find their communities. RSOs are vital to that involvement - and by using tools available to you, you can build that connection early. We want our new students to be excited about coming to campus in August and becoming Huskers.
Here are five things each RSO can do to boost their presence on NvolveU. Remember - students can see your NvolveU Portals at anytime and are already searching for new opportunities.
1. Make sure each of your officers has uploaded their picture on their profile. Photos make your group appear more approachable and active.
2. Make sure your social media handles are connected to your portal. If your group does not have a social media presence you might want to consider utilizing a single platform like Instagram. It is another way students can connect with your organization. Remember to tag Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement to broaden your reach (@involvedunl)
3. Set the date for your first meeting in the Fall. Make sure the EPR is approved and make the meeting public so it shows on the NvolveU Events page.
4. Create a news post advertising your first meeting. Check out how to do this by viewing the NvolveU & You: News Tool video found here: https://involved.unl.edu/rso-videos
5. Respond to any Questions or Join Now requests. Students are able to start joining RSOs on NvolveU, so don't ignore their requests.
Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement is committed to assisting each of our groups in this effort. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to our office.
More details at: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/