Fall Event Updates

Fall 2021 Event Planning
Fall 2021 Event Planning

Event planning for the Fall is in full swing! Many RSOs have submitted their EPRs on NvolveU, but if your have not - we encourage you to do so right away.

This Fall, there are additional considerations for your events. You can check out the COVID-19 Event Guidelines to keep updated on the event policies: https://covid19.unl.edu/event-guidelines.

Most notably, the following requirements are in place:

1. Starting August 23rd, 2021, any event involving the potential for more than 500 people must be pre-approved by campus administration and the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. Submit your EPR at least 4 weeks in advance so SLICE can help you with this process.

2. The Safer Community app must be checked for indoor events of all sizes starting August 16th, 2021. (https://covid19.unl.edu/docs/safer_community_for_events.pdf)

3. RSOs should track attendance at both indoor and outdoor events using NvolveU's Event Pass feature. Find more information on NvolveU (https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/)

More details at: https://covid19.unl.edu/event-guidelines