Volunteer at Playfair!

What is Playfair you ask? Playfair The Ultimate Icebreaker is a powerful program for campus unity and school spirit that is unlike anything else you have ever experienced! Join us as a student volunteer!
What is Playfair you ask? Playfair The Ultimate Icebreaker is a powerful program for campus unity and school spirit that is unlike anything else you have ever experienced! Join us as a student volunteer!

We are looking for 20 energetic returning UNL students to serve as Playfair Assistants (PA). PAs will receive food, a t-shirt and be trained by the Playfair Facilitator. Then they will participate in the event just like the new students, but your role is to make sure everyone feels included, assist if a student needs something, and help encourage participation.

Date: August 17
Volunteer Time: 6pm to 10pm
Meeting Location: Nebraska Union Second Floor room 200 (SLICE Office)

To Register use the link below before August 16th at 5pm:

What is Playfair you ask? Playfair The Ultimate Icebreaker is a powerful program for campus unity and school spirit that is unlike anything else you have ever experienced. It's entertainment! It's fun! It's the perfect way to make new campus friendships! Playfair is a team-building experience that will have a long-lasting effect on those that participate.

For questions contact: Vriepe2@unl.edu

More details at: https://involved.unl.edu/