Changes to Compliance

Changes to Compliance
Changes to Compliance

As you may have noticed this semester, SLICE worked to streamline our compliance process in an effort to better help RSOs stay on top of compliance as it relates to Annual Orientation. As you already know, all newly elected presidents, treasurers, and primary programmers are required to attend and pass our Orientation module.

Our goal this semester was to help RSO officers complete Orientation in the cycle of their election period. Orientation for each individual officer is valid for one year from the date Orientation was completed and passed.

Due to RSO officers having multiple expiration dates, organizations would often fall out of compliance at inconsistent times throughout the year. With our updated plan, all RSOs will have the same expiration dates based on what time of year they hold officer elections:

Winter RSO leaders will have an expiration date of January 31st.
• Spring RSO leaders will have an expiration date of April 30th.
• Fall RSO leaders will have an expiration date of June 30th.

For example, let’s say "Beta Eta Rho, a winter RSO, elected new officers November 15, 2022. The President, Treasurer, and Primary Programmer all complete and pass Orientation on November 19th, December 5th and January 15th, respectively. Although they took Orientation on different dates, they will all receive the same expiration date of January 31st, 2024.

With just three expiration dates a year, we will be able to better help all of our student groups stay in compliance.

As our spring RSOs finish up officer transition, we will continue this process of implementing these new expiration dates for our Fall RSOs.

Please let us know if you have any questions!