FALL RSO Compliance Deadline is June 30!

Fall RSO Compliance Deadline-June 30
Fall RSO Compliance Deadline-June 30

All Fall RSOs-those organizations that hold elections/officer transition in late April-June-must meet the Fall RSO Compliance Deadline of Friday, June 30, 2023.

RSO Compliance Requirements:

1. Ensure your RSO is in good financial status (with no negative balances with SOFS)

2. Each incoming president, treasurer, and primary programmer (any third officer) must individually complete and pass Annual Orientation with a score of at least 80%. (Additional officers/members are welcome to take Annual Orientation should they feel inclined.

3. Once all three positions have completed and passed Annual Orientation, a current officer must complete their RSO’s Registration form (found on each RSO portal).

To date, 70% of our Fall RSOs risk falling out of compliance and will become frozen starting July 1st.
Frozen RSOs:

• Cannot participate in BRW events (including Party at the Union, Club Fair, East Campus Welcome, and Street Fair.
• Cannot submit and host events.
• Cannot access their SOFS accounts.
• Will have their NvolveU portals hidden from the public.

With almost 5000 new Huskers looking to get involved, this is not the time to let your RSO fall out of compliance. SLICE will provide updates to each individual Fall RSO this week updating them on their RSOs compliance status.

Frozen Spring RSOs are encouraged to get back into compliance as well.

Please note, as UNL has ended their contract with VidGrid, Annual Orientation will no longer operate after June 30th. As SLICE works to migrate Annual Orientation to a new platform, delays in service may occur. Take care of completing Annual Orientation and re-registering your RSO today!