Here are the steps your RSO needs to take in order to remain in compliance! Please email involved@unl.edu with any questions.
Step 1: Complete your ARF
Complete an Annual Review Form and turn it into either Student Involvement Office (NU 200 or NEU 300). This document must be handed in in person!
Step 2: Attend Annual Orientation
Your President, Treasurer, and Primary Programmer will need to attend an Annual Orientation session. They can attend whatever session that fits their schedule.
NOTE: Treasurers should attend an Annual Orientation at their earliest convenience possible, because they will be unable to access their SOFS account until they do so.
DUE: by January 31st
Annual Orientation sign-up: http://involved-apps.unl.edu/a/AnnualOrientation/
Steph 3: Account Balance Confirmation
Make sure your group’s Treasurer communicate with SOFS regarding your RSO’s current account balance.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/b86i