Student Involvement is proud to honor the following winners of the 2019 Student Impact Awards:
Outstanding New Student Organization: Agriculture Leadership Shields
Student Organization Sustainability Award: E-Week with Engineering Student Advisory Board
Outstanding Student Organization Member: Lindsey Jarema with oSTEM @ Nebraska
Outstanding Student Organization Officer: Sinclaire Miramontez with Student Athlete Advisory Committee
Student Organization Philanthropy/Service Award: Scare Off Hunger with Public Relations Student Society of America
Diversity and Inclusion Award: Public Relations Student Society of America
Outstanding Advisor: Dr. Shripat Kamble with India Students Association
Outstanding New Advisor: Katie Brock with Student Alumni Association
Outstanding Commitment to Recruitment: Engineering Student Advisory Board
Outstanding Student Organization President: Grace Mosier with Student Alumni Association
Program of the Year: Rainbow Ball hosted by Spectrum UNL
Student Leadership Award: Tamayo Zhou
Outstanding Student Organization: Public Relations Student Society of America
Congratulations to all the winners!