Strength of the Month: Deliberative


People with the StrengthsFinder theme Deliberative are very careful and vigilant in decision making. They are the type of people that sense risk first. They sense risk and are drawn to risk. They can identify, assess and reduce that risk. Because of this ability to sense risk, people with the strength of Deliberative make quality decisions and choices. They can also leverage opportunities to take more risk with the things they believe in. Once this person has thought things through, they can set their direction and pursue it with great stamina. A rule of thumb for the strength of Deliberative is, making the correct decision is always better than making a quick decision.

Avoiding common mistakes or missteps is a value for Deliberatives. People with Deliberative draw together a variety of elements to determine whether or not they can produce a positive outcome. At times people with the strength of Deliberative may sound like they are against you, because they may ask you about alternative ways of doing something. They may challenge your position or your values to see if you have a sound perspective and solid viewpoint.

Advising Others with Deliberative
• Do not position this person in a role that requires snap judgement.
• When caution is required, such as circumstances that are sensitive to legal, safety, or accuracy issues, ask this person to take the lead.
• This person is likely to excel at negotiating contracts, especially behind the scenes.
• In relationships this person may be selective. Be careful moving them from team to team. They need to feel assured that the people they surround themselves with are competent and trustworthy.