A student who is high in the Gallup Strength Connectedness is one who believes that everything happens for a reason. They have the unique ability to ‘connect the dots’ between what is happening in the here and now with deep personal meaning.
People with Connectedness also feel personal responsibility to the connections they make. In fact, they might find themselves becoming more and more connected to something over time, making change or disconnection very challenging.
As an RSO Advisor, keep these best practices in mind when advising RSO officers and members who are high in Connectedness:
1.) Help them find meaning, purpose and deeper relationships in everything they do within the RSO.
2.) Have them think about and help develop the mission, vision, values, and goals for your organization.
3.) Place those individuals in situations and places that challenge their ability to connect seemingly random things to find meaning, value, information or explanation.
If you need other ways to advise someone high in Connectedness, reach out to Joe Hagerty (jhagerty2@unl.edu).
More details regarding the strength connectedness can be found here: https://uofnelincoln.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/UNL-SALIFE/Involvement/EeIHSmKg0kVCm8BjeYVjqykBjg3zaPGCrvRsqzKkp-TfDQ?e=KCcAHl
More details at: https://uofnelincoln.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/UNL-SALIFE/Involvement/EeIHSmKg0kVCm8BjeYVjqykBjg3zaPGCrvRsqzKkp-TfDQ?e=KCcAHl