People strong in the Achiever theme have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.
You may recognize an Achiever because they seem to be in constant motion, or activity, or with different types of projects. Think of an Achiever as an endurance athlete when it comes to getting things done. Once an Achiever gets started, they seem to have a unique pace to getting their work done. And this pace, different with each person, can be maintained over a great deal of time. An Achiever likes to set goals, and usually creates lists of things that need to be done to accomplish these goals. Lists and goals can be made for daily activities, projects, future goals, relationships, or even for accomplishments. The Achiever list-makers are able to work productively and efficiently, anxiously or eagerly moving through the steps. Check. Check. Check. A sense of ‘celebration’ with what has been accomplished.
Numerous people with the strengths of Achiever are known for getting stuff done. Achievers get that reputation because coworkers see and experience their hardworking, driven behaviors day after day. Colleagues learn to spot the achiever, as they are not only a hard worker, but are people who are not content until they are able to show something for their work.
For Achievers to be successful, they should:
•Select jobs in which they have the leeway to work as hard as they want, and in which they are encouraged to measure their own productivity. They will feel stretched and alive in these environments.
•Take advantage of their self-motivation by setting challenging goals. Set a more stretching goal every time they finish a project.
•Choose to work with other hard workers. Share their goals with them so they can help.
•Accept that they might be discontent, even when they achieve.
•Taking a moment to appreciate their successes. They can look ahead tomorrow. Today, help them celebrate.
•Partnering them with someone with a strong Discipline or Focus theme. This person can help them use their energy as efficiently as possible.