“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcom X
Helpful Highlight
Each week I will be sharing tips, campus resources, and skills that can help you personally, academically, and professionally.
This week’s highlight is Faculty!
Connecting with your professors and instructors is one of the best things you can do for your education. If you really enjoy a class you are in or really like learning from one of your instructors, check the syllabus for their office hours or email them to set up a meeting! Faculty continued their education so that they can share their passions with you, and they care about your success. As you create connections, opportunities may open—like joining a professor’s research project or getting a strong letter of recommendation for graduate school.
Important Dates
* Priority registration for the Spring 2021 semester is October 26th – November 10th. Start thinking through what classes you’d like to take and be sure to schedule a meeting with me within the next few weeks!
* Registration for the Fall 2020 Three-Week session will remain open until November 29th.