Nebraska Ambassadors Forum to Host Four Former U.S. Ambassadors

Nebraska Ambassadors Forum to Host Four Former U.S. Ambassadors
Nebraska Ambassadors Forum to Host Four Former U.S. Ambassadors

You're invited to participate in a unique opportunity on campus in the coming weeks!

On Tuesday, October 26th, UNL will be hosting four former U.S. Ambassadors for the Nebraska Ambassadors Forum. This event is a partnership between UNL and UNO, Burlington Capital in Omaha, and the American Academy of Diplomacy in Washington D.C. The Nebraska Ambassadors Forum is a yearly program that brings distinguished diplomatic practitioners to speak with students and community leaders in Lincoln and Omaha. Our 2021 program was developed jointly by the Academy in cooperation with UNL, UNO, and Burlington International, whose funding has made this program possible.

Our guests will be speaking on the topic of Africa’s Role in the Contemporary World. This panel discussion will be interactive and we are hopeful that students will take the opportunity to participate. As it stands now, this will be an in-person event and will be hosted by AVC Davis. Per his availability, Chancellor Green may also attend to open the event and welcome our distinguished guests.

Our panel event will start at 10:00 am. Seating will be limited so that we can abide by current and any upcoming COVID-19 safety protocols. Registration will be required, we’ve asked registrants to note if their participation is part of a class.

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