Lisa DiGiovanni, a Professor at Keene State College, will deliver remarks on her research, which sheds light on the links between masculinity, militarism, and violence to better understand the causes and consequences of dictatorial brutality. DiGiovanni has created an innovative video essay on her research on militarized masculinity and torture in Augusto Pinochet's regime in Chile. The talk will open with a showing of this video essay, and DiGiovanni will then expand on the themes introduced in the video in her remarks.
The talk, titled "Militarized Masculinity and Torture," will take place on November 15 at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom. The talk is the second in a fall colloquia series on the theme of "Confronting Historical Silences," organized by the School of Global Integrative Studies. The talk is free, open to the public, and accessible by following this Zoom registration link.
This talk is based on DiGiovanni's second monograph, Militarized Masculinity in Spain and Chile. With a focus on Spain and Chile, DiGiovanni's conducts a comparative examination of Francisco Franco’s and Augusto Pinochet’s military regimes and their similarities regarding the use of torture as a method of social control. The central claim is twofold: first, that militarized masculinity played a role in shaping acts of political repression and violence, and second, that literature and film can render visible these overlooked relationships.
Dr. Lisa DiGiovanni is Professor of Spanish Peninsular and Latin American Studies with a joint appointment in the Departments of Modern Languages and Cultures and Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College. She is also affiliated faculty in Women’s and Gender Studies. Her research interests include dictatorial violence, militarized masculinity, torture, and memory in Spain and Latin America, with a focus on Chile.
More details at: https://unl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEldeGppzsoHtJq_NJtXec8KKHz5WdvOWQv