• Have you had an internship/co-op, volunteer, research, or career-related experience this summer or fall? UNL wants to hear about it! Sharing your experience takes less than 3 minutes and the info you provide helps other students learn about opportunities, impacts UNL's accreditation and academic rankings, and influences the future value of the degree you're working hard for now.
• Share your experience here: https://go.unl.edu/experiencesurvey
Resume Drop-ins, November 17th, 12:30-2:30pm, Oldfather Hall 1006 (10th floor) and Virtually: https://go.unl.edu/dropins
• Join the CAS Career Coaches on Wednesday, November 17th for resume drop-ins.
• Resume reviews will be available in-person in Oldfather 1006 (10th floor), or virtually
• This is a great opportunity to get your resume ready for graduate school applications, or the CAS Scholarship application, now open on MyRED.
International Trade Career Panel
November 17th at 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., via Zoom
• Are you interested in a career in international trade or want to learn more about how world trade actually works? Join the Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance for an informative panel discussing career opportunities and best tips for students.
• Register at https://yeutter-institute.unl.edu/webinar-international-trade-career-panel
Rural Fellows Program
• Rural Fellows is a unique program designed to connect college students to rural Nebraska communities. Student pairs move into the rural community, for a 10-week period during the summer, to complete community-identified projects. Past projects have ranged from economic development, workforce development, tourism, community planning, education, mental health, and much more. We are excited that you are interested in participating as a host community during the summer of 2022. Please complete the following application to help us know about your interested projects and potential students.
• Application Deadline: January 2022
• Application: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Sw4hbbRroVED7U
Project Horseshoe Farm
• Project Horseshoe Farm offers Community Health Fellowship programs in Alabama and California. Alumni consistently express how transformative their Fellowship experience has been, and Fellows go to some of the top medical schools, graduate programs, and nonprofit organizations across the U.S.
• This upcoming year, HSF is offering our traditional Gap-Year Fellowship, which will begin June of 2022 and finish July of 2023 at the Greensboro, Marion, and Pomona sites. For applicants who are available and interested, we are also offering a 6-month Fellowship opportunity in Greensboro from January through July of 2022. It will be shorter, but similar in experience to the full year Fellowship.
• Application Deadline Fellowship: February 13th, 2022
Global Remote Internships
• Gain real-world experience, grow your professional network, and earn academic credit - all without leaving home! Participate in a virtual internship for approximately 12 hours a week this spring with an organization located in either Australia, Spain or Vietnam.
• FORMAT: Participants complete approximately 12 intern hours a week and participate in a weekly virtual career development course.
• LENGTH: January 10th - April 29th
• AVAILABLE FIELDS: Marketing, Communications, Business, International Business, Finance, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science, Tourism, Fashion, Film, History, Anthropology, Education, Psychology, General Engineering, Environmental Science, and Pre-Law and more!
• ACADEMIC CREDIT: 4 credits that can be transferred to UNL with department approval.
• COST: $825, eligible financial aid can apply
• Click here for more details and to apply!
See the World: Summer faculty-led programs from the College of Arts & Sciences
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in Oldfather Hall, 1007
• Learn about the incredible faculty-led summer study abroad programs offered through the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). Programs are open to students from all majors and colleges. With a wide range of topics and locations, there's a program for almost all interests and post-graduation plans.
Financing Health Education School Workshop
November 16th from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in Love Library South
• The extra years of school required to attain your career in healthcare will have financial implications (debt, costs of living, etc.). Attend this session and start thinking about how you can prepare financially for your advanced education and learn about options for financing your health school education.
Applying to Health Schools 101 Workshop
November 17th from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in Love Library South
• Are you planning to apply to a professional health school in the next couple of years? Even if you are in your first or second year of college, it is important to learn about the steps in the application process and what you can do now to prepare to submit your best application. This workshop will not cover information about applying to nursing school, radiography programs, or dental hygiene programs.
Peace Corps Zoom meeting
November 21st at 7:00 PM on Zoom
• You are invited to this Zoom meeting to learn more about pursuing Peace Corps as a pre-health student., November 21, 7:00 PM.
• Zoom: https://unl.zoom.us/j/95662855704?pwd=R1E5NVlUakw2UmJCMTNsbWM4VWI3dz09
• Meeting ID: 956 6285 5704
• Passcode: Welcome!
Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
Wednesday, November 10, 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
• SHPEP is a FREE six-week national academic summer enrichment program aimed at better positioning underrepresented students for acceptance into advanced degree, health professions programs. UNMC, along with multiple other medical schools across the country, will offer this program next summer. We encourage any Freshmen or Sophomores to consider applying for a seat with the Summer Health Professions Program (SHPEP) next summer.
• The application is open now and closes February 5th.
• Requirements for SHPEP are here: http://ow.ly/zoqk50GzApf.
• Application FAQs: https://www.shpep.org/apply-to-shpep/faqs/
• To schedule: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu
• All Mock Interviews will be virtual appointments.
• More information on Mock Interviews: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu/lib/documents/MockInterviewGuide.pdf
Practice LSAT #65:
November 20th from 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• The Explore Center will be offering a free Practice LSAT on Saturday, Nov. 20 from 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please sign up for the Practice LSAT by visiting this link http://exploreregistration.unl.edu/.
• A free practice LSAT will be offered on Saturday, Nov. 20. This practice LSAT will be a paper and pencil version of the LSAT, not a digital LSAT like the current official LSAT exams. However, taking a practice exam will allow you to practice taking an LSAT under timed conditions, utilize your test taking strategies, and familiarize yourself with the sections of the LSAT. We encourage you to use this practice as part of your preparation for an upcoming official LSAT exam. Try it out before the score counts!
• To promote event safety, we will be checking your Safer Community App at check-in and requiring attendees to comply with the UNL Face Covering Policy.
Upcoming Professional School Visitors: UNL College of Law: IN PERSON
Thursday, December 2, 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM
• Sign up to meet with a Professional School Visit: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu/
• More information on Professional School Visits: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu/lib/documents/ProfessionalSchoolVisitGuide.pdf
Employer in Resident: Omaha Storm Chasers
November 15th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in College of Business - Howard L Hawks Hall
• Employer Information: The Omaha Storm Chasers are the Triple-A affiliate of the 2015 World Series Champion Kansas City Royals. The Storm Chasers were back-to-back Triple-A National Champions in 2013 & 2014.
• Kellogg Predoctoral Fellowships: One Path towards a Research Career hosted by Kellogg School of Management
• L’Oréal USA Campus Insider Day hosted by L’Oréal
• City Year Jeopardy: An interactive Info Session hosted by City Year
• Pitching Yourself to Startups hosted by Venture for America
• Equity2: Careers of Social Impact in Business and Beyond hosted by Teach for America
• Intern with Material: Session 2 hosted by Material
• Professional Development Series: Ask a Recruiter hosted by McDonald’s Corporation
• Tips for Success in the Sales Industry hosted by Aflac
• The Need for Black Men and Vulnerability in Education hosted by Teach for America
• Teach for America: Advocacy in Action
• HCL National Internship and Full-Time Career Fair hosted by HCL Technologies, Inc.
• Insight Global’s College-to-Career Series-Session 3: Perfecting Your Pitch hosted by Insight Global
• Questions, We’ve Got Answers: the NSA Security Process hosted by National Security Agency