Human and Physical Geographies of the Northern Rockies
3-week Pre-Session + Travel June 6-19, 2022
GEOG 497/897 (3 cr)
Intructors: Dr. Young (ryoung@unl.edu) and Dr. Buller (rbuller2@unl.edu)
Students will spend a 14-day period camping and exploring the Northern Rockies for an immersive experience learning about the human and physical geographies of the region. This course is designed to get students outside, learn methods, practice leadership, and think critically about the role of geography in our culture. Some stops in the course include Badlands, Glacier, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton National Parks, Thermopolis, and the Black Hills region. Students will be expected to take part in all group activities including moderate hiking in steep areas.
If interested in taking this course, contact one of the instructors listed above for additional details. **There will be an additional fee to take part in this course**
Info meetings:
-Feb 24, 9:30-10:30am - City campus, Gaughan Center, 202 Ubuntu
-Mar 4, 9:30-10:30am - East Campus, Plant Sciences Hall, Goodding Learning Center