School of Global Integrative Studies Mon. Nov. 21, 2022
- Week 14: Happy Thanksgiving!
- Academic Advising
- Student Spotlight: Parwana Azimi
- ANTH/GLST/ETHN 280: Colonization, Decolonization and Globalization
- ANTH 484: Data Analytics in Anthropology
- GEOG 432: Programming, Scripting, and Automation for GIS
- Need an ACE 9 course?
- Iceland - People, Landscapes & Sustainability in the Land of Fire & Ice
- Follow the School of Global Integrative Studies on Instagram!
- Laura Bassi Scholarship
- INSTEP Summer Program
- CAS Career Development Events
- Winter Coat & Sweater Drive
- Oshibana Nebraska – Natural Element Art, An Artwork Display