Join us for our first Global Cafe of the year. We'll be hearing from global studies major Sebastian who spent last spring in Spain about his experience abroad and how you too can afford to spend a semester abroad. Coffee and pastries served! All majors are welcome!
School of Global Integrative Studies Mon. Feb. 13, 2023
- Week 4: Summer Registration
- Academic Advising
- Alumni Spotlight: Milla Jones
- Global Cafe: Study Abroad and How to Pay for It (RESCHEDULED)
- Status, Affinity, and Health: The Bioarchaeology of Ancient Maya in the Western Belize Valley
- SGIS Undergraduate Student Awards
- Upcoming Career Events
- Nebraska Academy of Sciences "Call for Papers"
- Intern in Japan this Fall - Deadline Extended to March 15!
- Husker Trade Talk: Global Careers in the Foreign Agricultural Service
- Learn International Nebraska Webinar
- Learn to Earn - Dept of Veterans Affairs
- Husker Pantry
- Counseling and School Psychology Clinic (CSPC)
- Anth 110 - Introduction to Anthropology
- Geog 140 - Introduction to Human Geography
- Geog 155 - Elements of Physical Geography
- ANTH 212 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- Anth 242 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- Anth 297/497 - Introduction to Fieldwork