Name: Angela Kwambamba
Instagram handle: ang_kwambamba
Majors and Minors: Global Studies Major and French Minor
Hometown: Lincoln, NE but I was born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Year at UNL: Senior
Favorite book and why:
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is my favorite book because it’s a short story encompassing the author’s childhood memories which are quite relatable. The book has this cozy vibe that feels nostalgic.
Favorite movie and why:
Lion King because it’s one of the first films I watched when I moved to America.
Why Global Studies?
I chose Global Studies as a major because I’ve been interested in the interconnectedness of the world but most importantly, how past actions affect the present and future. Within my major I get to explore and find solutions to these problems. I like how there’s no linear answer in Global Studies so there are endless answers. I chose my French minor because I enjoyed taking French classes in high school and I really wanted to become fluent in the language.
What are some of the best/most interesting classes you’ve taken:
The most interesting classes I’ve taken are COMM 311: Intercultural Communication, ASTR 103 Descriptive Astronomy (very hard but still interesting), FREN 397 Environment and the French Speaking World (completely in English so non French speakers can take the course) and ANTH 474: Development in Theory and Practice.
What are your suggestions for new majors?
Some courses will really test you but that just encourages you to try harder. I recommend doing more than one internship so you can get some exposure to potential post graduate careers. I think Global Studies is a great major because there is no perfect solution. You’re always thinking about ways to mitigate a global problem. You really have to tap into your critical thinking skills and that’s a skill many jobs expect.
Extracurricular Experiences:
I didn’t study abroad, which is one of my regrets. Instead I became a research assistant for Professor Kang for six weeks during the Spring 2022 semester. I read French articles to update her list of supreme courts membership in various Francophone countries. In addition, I’m currently interning for UNL Programs in English as a Second Language (PIESL). I act as a Teaching Assistant in grammar, speaking, and listening courses except I do not grade assignments. My main job is to connect with the international students and help them adapt to campus life in United States. One way PIESL does this is through the Campus and Community Engagement course. For the course, it’s my responsibility to take the students on three outings a month outside of class so they can start fit connections on campus. Overall, having pre-professional experience helps you decide on a future caterer.
What are your post-graduation plans?
I was planning on taking a gap year after graduation. I hope to find a job either teaching abroad or working with human rights advocates. Eventually, I’ll go back to school for a Master’s Degree.