SRAS Summer Abroad: Limited spaces available


Batumi, Georgia. Study intensive Russian in this beautiful seaside resort that fills each summer with Russian-speaking vacationers - primarily from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. Stay with a host family, explore the dramatic nature of Georgia, and enjoy the amazing cuisine. Applicants should have at least 2 semesters of previous Russian language study. Sessions from 4-10 weeks (4-10 US semester credits). Learn more and apply.
Warsaw, Poland. Study intensive Ukrainian language in a country that has welcomes so many Ukrainian people this past year. We will supplement language study with volunteer work, lectures on the topics of migration, humanitarian aid, and the Polish response, and visits to organizations actively engaged in supporting the Ukrainian population both in Poland and in Ukraine. Learn the landscape of humanitarian aid and how organizations are preparing for the next stage (in Ukraine). This is a great opportunity for students of sociology and migration studies and for those seeking experience or credit for global service learning. Join one or both 4-week summer sessions. Learn more and apply.
Our other summer programs have very limited spaces and students are encouraged to contact us first.
Note that fall program deadlines are coming up in May!