Teach for America: How to Start Exploring Your Career, Sept. 11, 6:30-7:15pm, virtual via Handshake
Federal Reserve Board: Internship Info Session, Sept. 7, 4-5:15pm, Virtual via Handshake
Looking for an on-campus job? Need to update your resume? Want to start planning for graduate school applications? Thinking about graduation? Meet with a career coach! No appointment needed. Attend one of our upcoming drop-in sessions, available virtually via Zoom or in-person in 107 Oldfather Hall.
Sept. 6th, 11am-1pm **Virtual only**
Sept. 7th, 2-4pm, **Virtual only**
September 13th, 11-1pm
September 14th, 2-4pm
Complete calendar details, https://events.unl.edu/CASCareerDev/2023/09/