SGIS' next Global Café with a Diplomat in Residence, Sara Veldhuizen Stealy is this coming Wednesday, 3/27 at 12:30-1:30PM via Zoom. Sara has served in the Foreign Service for 14 years, working in Zambia, Latvia, Ghana & Lithuania. She will talk about student programs & careers in the Foreign Service as well as her career path into diplomacy. She will provide guidance and mentorship to students interested in careers, internships, and fellowships with the U.S. State Department. As Diplomat-in-Residence, she provides guidance and mentorship to students interested in careers, internships and fellowships with the U.S. State Department. All students, staff, and faculty are invited to join us.
Please RSVP to get a link to the event at: GO.UNL.EDU/GLOBALCAFE.
More details at: https://forms.office.com/r/J401W3gapm