CAS career coaches support your career development no matter where you are or where you’re going. Schedule with your coach on Student Success Hub and follow us on Instagram for tips, resources, and great job and internship opportunities for CAS majors! Don’t have a lot of time? Stop by for a quick drop-in meeting any Wednesday or Thursday 1-3pm, available in-person in 107 Oldfather or via Zoom.
Best Practices for Applying to International Affairs Graduate School Oct. 15, 9:00-10:00am, Zoom, https://apsia.org/events/webinar-best-practices-in-applying-to-graduate-school-9/
Join the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) for an introductory webinar on best practices when applying for graduate school. Learn how to select graduate programs, prepare application materials, and explore career opportunities.
Study Abroad at a Glance: Senshu Japan Exchange Oct. 15, 11:00-12:00pm, DIGS 102, Hawks Hall
In this session, you will learn about the Senshu Japan exchange program: how to apply, cost, scholarships, and other program details.
Employer in Residence - Nelnet Oct. 15, 11:00-2:00pm, South Lobby, Hawks Hall
Nelnet has career paths in various fields including finance, information technology, customer service, and business operations, as well as internships and entry-level positions in locations across key cities and states. Stop by and have career conversations with Nelnet.
Pre-Health Opportunities Fair Oct. 15, 3:00-4:30pm, Unity Room, Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Are you a pre-health student? Learn more about how to get involved with shadowing, volunteering, research, patient contact hours, and more as an undergraduate student. The fair will be a chance to talk with representatives from programs and organizations both on-campus and in the Lincoln area.
Employer in Residence - Federal Bureau of Investigation Oct. 16, 11:00-2:00pm, South Lobby, Hawks Hall
The FBI has career paths for students from any major, as well as internship opportunities. Stop by and have career conversations with the FBI.
Preparing for Graduate and Professional School Oct. 16, 12:30-1:30pm, Zoom, https://unl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIuc-2orTIrGdCpRB5SXoio2QEO7IDef-YT#/registration
It’s never too early to start thinking about graduate school! In this workshop, you will learn about the graduate admissions process, how to leverage funding opportunities, and who to connect with in Career Services for success.
GoinGlobal: US Visa Facts Oct. 24, 2:00-3:30pm, Zoom, https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3912512512716057439
Join us to explore the complex array of U.S. work visas available for pursuing employment throughout the U.S. with complimentary support from seasoned immigration attorneys.
Employer in Residence - State of Nebraska Oct. 25, 11:00-2:00pm, South Lobby, Hawks Hall
State Government is one of the largest and most diverse employers in Nebraska. Whether it’s helping a vulnerable child, advancing public health, making highways safer, or preserving our natural resources, the work we do matters. Stop by and have career conversations with State of Nebraska.
Exploring: Advertising, Communication and Design Pathways Oct. 30, 4:30-630pm, Heritage Room, Nebraska Union
This event is a great opportunity to network with local employers in the advertising, communication and design industries. Learn from the panel of industry professionals and stay for casual networking time.